Do You Need Help With Research For A Business Decision?
My clients rely on my 20+ years of experience and proven expertise as a business researcher to help make better informed decisions. My team and I help bring objective insights and context to your projects by using sources we've vetted for accuracy and reliability. In addition, we will conduct interviews with experts, and other sources beyond what can be found online.

Do you have a client for whom you need to calculate damages in contract disputes, commercial torts, business interruption claims, marital dissolution suits, wrongful termination cases, taxation issues or intellectual property rights infringement?
We conduct investigations to provide the documentation you need for your case. We have provided expert witness affidavits for many Patent Review Board cases.

Industry /
Market Research
Would you like to know what industry experts are saying about your industry? Do you need to have a deep understanding of the supply chain or what is happening in your market and identify the potential disruptors that might cause a negative change to your profits?
Our primary market research will help you learn about the customers who match your target demographic. We talk to experts on your behalf to learn what is currently happening in your market. Our secondary research, will assist you in getting information on your target customers from outside sources, such as government statistics or industry surveys.

Business Intelligence Monitoring
Do you want to stay informed about your industry, competitor products, etc. but your inbox is full of newsletters and trade journals you haven't yet read?
We scan hundreds of sources daily on your behalf and deliver it to you in a easy to read format so you can read it anywhere, anytime and stay aware of what is happening in your industry.

Do You Need to Make Your Digital and
Intellectual Assets Findable and Reusable?
Do you have content on your organization's website that you want to make available to the public? Do you want to have the ability for the public to retrieve information through an external or internal search by using search terms?
As librarians and expert searchers, we represent the searcher's voice by helping you ensure your website's contents are searchable and accessible to those who you want to read your content. We provide solutions to organize content, tacit and explicit, to make it findable and reusable. We work with clients to tap into corporate memory, facilitate information sharing among knowledge workers, organize documents, images and knowledge to make it easily accessible.

Centerville, Ohio
Why Trust Us
My team and I have been searching online and cataloging documents for over 20 years.
I was profiled in the book, Super Searchers Make it On Their Own as a super searcher and independent information professional.
My company has had contracts with Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Boston Scientific, Hewlett Packard, law firms and more.
As information professionals and librarians, we are able to efficiently use resources not available through search engines like Google to help you stand out from everyone else who is using Google. Let's talk about your specific information needs.